Determining the light intensity of an unknown light source with a linear photometer | engineering, technical sciences, materials, papers, studies cannon g13
I. Purpose of the exercise: Understanding the construction and purpose of the photometer. Studying the main light quantities and their measurement units. Determining cannon g13 the light intensity of an unknown light source through a Joly photometer.
1.1. Luminous flux / F / - emitted per second light energy perceived by the human eye as light. It establishes the power of light energy. Measured in lumens / Lm /.
1.2. Intensity / I / - determines the density of the luminous flux in a given direction of space., To the solid angle ΔΩ, in which this flow evenly broadcast. Measured in candelas / cd /.
1.5. Brightness / L / - characterized the immediate cannon g13 perception cannon g13 that one gets through the visual analyzer in monitoring a luminous area. Numerical Brightness ploshtov element ΔS in a given direction is determined by the ratio of light intensity in this direction, to actually see the size of the illuminated ploshtov element ΔS * / item is the projection onto a plane perpendicular to the direction of observation /. Essence of photometry:
Photometry is part of the lighting technology that deals with the measurement of the light values. Depending on the means used for evaluation of the light quantities, they are: a visual / subjective / photometry, wherein the indicator is used for the human eye, a physical / fair / photometry, wherein the indicator used for picture elements and other equipment physically replacing the human eye;
It consists of two smooth, white painted plates "P" / Fig. 1 / separated by an opaque barrier. The reference light source / intensity IE / light source and research / intensity IX / placed at the same height. Sliders to which are fixed sources of equal brightness of the screen. move left or right on the scale until
Used to measure the luminous flux / F /. A hollow sphere with a large enough diameter / 0,5 2,5 m /, painted inside with white paint / MgO / which diffusely reflects light. The light source / L / is mounted inside the photometer. Light repeatedly reflected from the interior of the sphere, is registered during the opening / O / a lux meter. To protect the photoelectric cell of lux meter from direct light the lamp before it is mounted screen / K /. Under these conditions the brightness / E / hole / O / is proportional to the flux from the source.
2.3. Lux meter - Used to measure the brightness / E /. Is a simple photometer consisting of selenium photocell coupled to measure and mikroampermetar whose scale is calibrated in lux in several bands.
Over time, whether lux meter is used, the sensitivity decreases due to "aging" of the photoelectric cell. This requires periodic calibration of the device cannon g13 / once a year / as used.
Sensitivity / accuracy / can permanently reduce the exposure of the photoelectric cell of intense radiation with a sharp deflection to the end position, prolonged exposure to light, resistance to shock, moisture, dust, high temperature and thermal radiation. Unlike aging, cannon g13 after a stay of 8 10h, sensitivity returns to the level before work.
III. Program cannon g13 of work: Introduction to experimental design / Fig. 1 / Reporting intensity of the reference light source IE = Re, Re = 60W Power light sources and illuminances izravnyavyane the illuminating surfaces Reporting distances L 1 and L 2
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Automation testing activities Electrical Electronics Electrical Measurement Measuring Test Study Calculation Inverters cannon g13 Classification Project Course Materials Mechanics Method Methods Determination gun Crib Project Protocol Design Jobs Essence cannon g13 Technology Management Device kinds of high voltage electrical engineering coursework materials machinery Power converters AC systems engineering technology transport current transformers
January 2014 M T W T F S S July 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Architecture Categories Uncategorized Electronics Electrical Mechanical Engineering cannon g13 Make DIY Radio Construction Transportation Technical Sciences Physics Chemistry cannon g13 Search for:
I. Purpose of the exercise: Understanding the construction and purpose of the photometer. Studying the main light quantities and their measurement units. Determining cannon g13 the light intensity of an unknown light source through a Joly photometer.
1.1. Luminous flux / F / - emitted per second light energy perceived by the human eye as light. It establishes the power of light energy. Measured in lumens / Lm /.
1.2. Intensity / I / - determines the density of the luminous flux in a given direction of space., To the solid angle ΔΩ, in which this flow evenly broadcast. Measured in candelas / cd /.
1.5. Brightness / L / - characterized the immediate cannon g13 perception cannon g13 that one gets through the visual analyzer in monitoring a luminous area. Numerical Brightness ploshtov element ΔS in a given direction is determined by the ratio of light intensity in this direction, to actually see the size of the illuminated ploshtov element ΔS * / item is the projection onto a plane perpendicular to the direction of observation /. Essence of photometry:
Photometry is part of the lighting technology that deals with the measurement of the light values. Depending on the means used for evaluation of the light quantities, they are: a visual / subjective / photometry, wherein the indicator is used for the human eye, a physical / fair / photometry, wherein the indicator used for picture elements and other equipment physically replacing the human eye;
It consists of two smooth, white painted plates "P" / Fig. 1 / separated by an opaque barrier. The reference light source / intensity IE / light source and research / intensity IX / placed at the same height. Sliders to which are fixed sources of equal brightness of the screen. move left or right on the scale until
Used to measure the luminous flux / F /. A hollow sphere with a large enough diameter / 0,5 2,5 m /, painted inside with white paint / MgO / which diffusely reflects light. The light source / L / is mounted inside the photometer. Light repeatedly reflected from the interior of the sphere, is registered during the opening / O / a lux meter. To protect the photoelectric cell of lux meter from direct light the lamp before it is mounted screen / K /. Under these conditions the brightness / E / hole / O / is proportional to the flux from the source.
2.3. Lux meter - Used to measure the brightness / E /. Is a simple photometer consisting of selenium photocell coupled to measure and mikroampermetar whose scale is calibrated in lux in several bands.
Over time, whether lux meter is used, the sensitivity decreases due to "aging" of the photoelectric cell. This requires periodic calibration of the device cannon g13 / once a year / as used.
Sensitivity / accuracy / can permanently reduce the exposure of the photoelectric cell of intense radiation with a sharp deflection to the end position, prolonged exposure to light, resistance to shock, moisture, dust, high temperature and thermal radiation. Unlike aging, cannon g13 after a stay of 8 10h, sensitivity returns to the level before work.
III. Program cannon g13 of work: Introduction to experimental design / Fig. 1 / Reporting intensity of the reference light source IE = Re, Re = 60W Power light sources and illuminances izravnyavyane the illuminating surfaces Reporting distances L 1 and L 2
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Automation testing activities Electrical Electronics Electrical Measurement Measuring Test Study Calculation Inverters cannon g13 Classification Project Course Materials Mechanics Method Methods Determination gun Crib Project Protocol Design Jobs Essence cannon g13 Technology Management Device kinds of high voltage electrical engineering coursework materials machinery Power converters AC systems engineering technology transport current transformers
January 2014 M T W T F S S July 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Architecture Categories Uncategorized Electronics Electrical Mechanical Engineering cannon g13 Make DIY Radio Construction Transportation Technical Sciences Physics Chemistry cannon g13 Search for:
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