Convenient degree: work degree: recommendation level: risk: (! Remodeling is at your own risk) but what is also radioactive substance to this time ..., and also is the "tritium" Neta. (Laughs) before, it is an attempt to incorporate the tritium raspberry bulbs marker to Handy Light (image ) was in the article, this time I tried adding a high degree raspberry bulbs of perfection remodeling by the must-have of the head lamp to climbing. (Last time was fitted with a tritium raspberry bulbs tube LED Replacement unit of Maglite) was modified is my most trusting Princeton Tec's high-power LED type of headlight "EOS". (Image ) also in a previous article this "EOS" of it is the tritium markers to belt part introduced the idea that an external control, because a little unsatisfactory by it as a self-made mania, tritium markers on the lens of this lamp body It is a challenge to "Warunori specific tools" that would embed. When you take out a glass tube filled with tritium from the resin part of the key ring, please carefully by referring to the previous article because it is respectable radioactive substance said to be trace. Well, even if the glass tube is damaged, I think it's okay in enough to the ventilation of the room. (... Laughs but does not have the responsibility) Well, it is remodeling! First, remove the base unit from the housing, but the foundation is not the only way corresponding with since it has been fixed brute force in the crush pin of plastic that does not assume the re-assembly. Since this junction re-use is difficult, or scrape off the pin of the head with Rotary tool, or from being forced removal in prepared to fold the pin and I think that it is quick. Foundation, surprisingly, but I was surprised in a complex circuit configuration, raspberry bulbs and Will become so Incorporating such as inverter and regulator. It will also feel the price of this product is also not far from expensive If you look at this foundation. (Center of high-power LED and complex control circuit in unexpected surroundings) raspberry bulbs Well, since this lamp has light distribution raspberry bulbs in the collimator lens, it was decided to embed the tritium tube in this part. Work is a hole of φ1.5mm / D 5mm to the convex portion next to the collimator lens (the junction of the mold runner?) At the pin vise, mosquitoes also there to insert a tritium tube SILNET (transparent silicon-based adhesive I fixed). (Deep hole of transparent resin, and with the water or soapy water to the drill bit, and finish to clean when you work while frequently remove the faceted) (A hole in collimator lens, insert the tritium tube) after the Although only assemble again ..., the pin that had been originally fixed since it has broken at the time of decomposition, here can only be fixed with adhesive. Since the foundation unit which was set the battery is pressed against the housing front in the back cover, almost problem is I think not occur in this state. The (tritium tube look to the right of the LED is embedded in the lens in the image), or have problems because it not foreign matter enters the collimator lens in the condensing, the projected light is exiting the spots or shadows ..., I think the many people you think. However, what seems to shadow even try projected on a white wall in a state that was modified did not seen. (Image ) I expected, light original function in this modification is that it not been compromised. (It also changes before remodeling was projected on the wall was not) Of course, raspberry bulbs to tritium markers stands out well in the dark, because waterproof such as "EOS" original function is intact, think of me as for climbing I think close to the ideal head lamp was completed. Tritium is by and cost of relationship is a radioactive substance, since this kind of product you think commercialization raspberry bulbs of the manufacturer is difficult, you can only make it yourself raspberry bulbs if you want a. In other words, DIY of this hand is that one of the places of the few amateur success. To everyone with experience of struggling to find "header electricity" in the middle of the night of tents and huts, It is by all means to try, got want to work. and because it is [an aside ...] tritium markers were handled raspberry bulbs this time is the β-ray source of the gas that has been encapsulated in a glass tube, probably not a very dangerous thing to be considered common sense. When was the amount of this degree, it is not even fart if you look the replacement of the mantle of lanthanum impregnated the old days thorium (Th) compounds for me was going with bare hands. The mantle of the current leading manufacturer you heard that does not contain a radioactive substance, but I do have replaced many times without knowing anything the old days of dangerous mantle, in the breath the ashes of that time splattered white mantle " It would have been internal exposure and because I had to blow it ~ Tsu! "and Fu ..., surely. It is already raspberry bulbs too late even if Imasara fear Shiki tritium. (Tears) for this reason I believe in the carefree (?), But ..., Jisetsugara? Readers who have become nervous in radioactive materials also I think many. So, what does not really out radiation from tritium marker, and I tried to test in the dosimeter raspberry bulbs for just in case. The result is of a natural speaking it for granted I think, but ..., and the image can rest assured if you visit. (Numerical value of environment dose 0.09μSv, even closer to marker with head lamp change of dose was not)
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Attempt to install the president on "Dynafit-TLT" binding yourself (final times!) And attempt to install anonymous on "Dynafit-TLT" binding yourself (final times!) InovaUser on Night Eyes / INOVA / STS head lamp or use? Do President on Night Eyes / INOVA / STS head lamp use? InovaUser on Night Eyes / INOVA / STS or head lamp use? Globe of the President on "Dynafit-TLT" attempt to install a binding yourself yo on "Dynafit-TLT" attempt to install a binding yourself president on "Arc" had further evolution! Globe of gp on "Arc" had further evolution! I flirt to phosphorus on head lamp "STORM"
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