User texts Mousoulioti le luci on absolutely le luci no hazardous lamps (euphemistically) saving entitled Summary: Environmental destruction and murder of the 38 health disadvantages of "economic" follows the first part ...
It is possible that the ban on incandescent le luci light bulbs and indirect imposition by the European Commission of the lamps' economy 'N' is for consumers and the environment at the supreme madness? Big fiasco? le luci A sky-nonsense? The perfect "crime?" The biggest lie? the omoteri misinformation? Voluntary or involuntary participation in speculative games billion?
Questions will be answered in future when cleans up dust and advertising new objective scientific data confirming more existing which support the claim that sound is very real damage to health by artificial lighting, tubular fluorescent lamps, the "children" the lamps 'economy' of LED, and even much better quality light spectrum of incandescent bulbs. Then we introduce the principle, but it will be late for the countless victims that "the light is a public health issue." (1)
This concealed from consumers, it is the undeniable fact that the obligation Change in type lighting, imposed by the EU with the excuse of saving
"Economy" are electronic devices that suppress the function of our organs. The result is myriad adverse organismic changes in physico-chemical processes.
In simple words it is not reasonable and necessary legislation saving energy, such as change a washing machine or refrigerator or car with another product of reduced energy expenditure. A similar logic Directive absolutely necessary and, while not affecting the standard minimum human health, as occurs with the changing of light bulbs and placing in position lamps "saving".
Precisely for this reason, the question: what may be the greatest le luci "crime" against EU citizens have the answer, this highly dangerous and illegal interference in the internal organismic physiological processes of people with compulsory Change in type of lighting for the worse.
Based on narrow oikonomikistiki "logic", full of ignorance (;) broader le luci health effects by changing the lighting conditions, the European Commission, the Energy Ministers of the Member States and environmental le luci organizations, hypothesized that compact fluorescent lamps or bulbs' economy 'offer energy savings, so it is a "brilliant idea" to be imposed to help the environment. le luci
Their cases examined in depth not related to reality, since used false or incomplete information or withheld facts to impose a matter of great importance and incredibly authoritarian way (not adopted by the European Parliament), the change in light quality, something mean - I stress - immediate intervention and change le luci in organismic physiological processes of all people to a degree felony. le luci
Repeated that the first and major issue with the lamps 'economy' is this: The obligatory "criminal" change in the quality of light, le luci because it is widely known and unwavering scientific knowledge that light is directly linked to every expression of life, and there is similar le luci effect by changing economical energy-TV, washing machines, cookers or electric car.
The fact that ranks the legislative ban on incandescent light bulbs and replace them with their lamps "economy" as a nonsense or "madness" that is unprecedented is that there is not a scientific work, which has demonstrated that the lamps' saving "is harmless to human health, whereas there Bolle Thick work suggest the potential risk.
Let us see, however, all matters relating to this incredible stupidity le luci decision of the European Commission and obedient to the point slimy, satellites Member States, which is a great scandal, for which a well-governed European Community should all officials who participated in it, deprived of their office (and suffer the economic and other consequences because of damage to human health brought about
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