Each of us visited the letter, dream home interiors of course, does not remain unnoticed, but read them Agne nice idea degėme desire to learn something more ... Apparently, the girl Olialia sessions were invited to take photos BIG GANG MC biker calendar. dream home interiors
Enchantress Olialia frontrunner said that her first photo session left the pleasant and unforgettable experience. Agne still remember how warm girl tentatively agreed Zilvinas photographer and stylist Julia. It is friendly Olialia team thanks to Agne felt as if it were a long time acquaintances, people dream home interiors close to the squad. Neeiline blonde call the day when no one else, and she was surrounded by camera flashes and cameras.
The second photo shoot with Z. Šriubša Agne organized her husband dream home interiors in order to give a loved one even more pleasant moments, adrenaline and ultimately, of course, extraordinary photos. They now enjoy not only the same model - Agne, but organizer and photo sessions - her husband.
"Due to the very good and beautiful photos Žilvino got into pimąjį dream home interiors BIG GANG MC calendar dream home interiors selection stage, and it was finally selected," - glad Olialia frontrunner. The calendar will be available not only in Russia, England, but also in Lithuania, so everyone who wants to admire photo Missy can easily do it. The calendar, it is decorated in January.
"Photoshoot left a very good impression, attended by 10 girls, were all friendly and helpful. Had photographed all day, it was interesting, especially since the next motorcycle pose previously lost "- shared his impressions of bikers calendar model.
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